I am a 24 year old human of the female variety. I like travel and animals and reading and possibly even a few other things. I have what some call a "dry" sense of humour, others call it being a sarcastic bitch. If I could pick a super power it would be the ability to fly. I consider myself a student, although I have no major and don't currently attend any school. Someday I will travel around the world but at the moment I am somewhat grounded. Practicality has been inflicted upon me by the fact that I also happen to be a young, unwed mother (note: NOT a single mother, just unwed, by choice) I have 2 beautiful little girls who hold my heart even on the days I'd like to sell them to the gypsies. When it comes to my kids I am a little crunchy; home birth, cloth diapers and such. I'm all for saving the earth, good karma and being your own drummer.
THOSE EYES! So cute and SO COOL how you did the museum motif. How did you do that? Tre tre cool.
You have some cute kids, ma'am.
Ya, they ain't ugly.
the museum thing is here:
not a lot of choice, but still cool.
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